Saturday, March 22, 2008

You-Know-What is here.....

I always had a feeling that post-college life would rob me of the desire to blog, and my suspicions have proved correct.  When you no longer have hours and hours and hours of spare time (and trust me, you do in college, no matter how busy you think you are), it seems downright insane to spend those precious free hours in front of a machine that I am in front of for at least 10 hours each day anyway.  I have, on average, 180 minutes after work each day before I have to be asleep again so that I'm not drooling all over my keyboard at 7am the next morning (to give you all an idea what life at work is like, consider this: I bought a second coffee maker.  For my desk.)

Add to that the fact that we're currently in the midst of quarter-end - a word uttered at workplaces either with the utmost of contempt or as quietly as possible.  If business were Harry Potter and quarter end were Voldemort (a fitting comparison, really, considering the shenanigans of upper management and the horror of fiscal reporting) we would all scurry around feverishly every three months whispering frantic warnings to each other of the coming terror of You-Know-What.

Blogging, therefore, will need to make a change.  I'm thinking politics.  Or something.  In any case, my life is now officially Way Too Boring to bother publishing on the internet or anywhere else.