Saturday, July 5, 2008

Oh, yeah, that's right...I have a blog.

I had kinda forgotten in the past 3 months. Ha!

4th of July was pretty low-key, just went to the Beerfest with some friends from work and then headed up to crash a rooftop party and watch the fireworks over Elliot Bay. Good times.

Saturday has been fairly unproductive. I took my car in for its 10,000 mile checkup and beyond that I haven't accomplished much. The weather can't seem to make up its mind so I'm kind of thinking it might be a good time to get some cleaning up done around the apartment; the place looks like a bomb went off. It's just one of those days when there's a whole lot you probably SHOULD be doing, both work and non-work related, but you just can't seem to muster up the jam to do it all. And I can't believe it's already Saturday; before we know it it will be Sunday - where did the 3-day weekend go??

Life in general still going OK, work is OK and on the upswing, and beyond that, there just ain't a whole lot new to report.

Costco run later today!