Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just In Case Anyone Still Reads This -

- yes, I am alive.

No, I have not had the urge to blog a lot. Until now, I guess. I felt that it was sort of time for an "hey, I've been out of school for about seven months now and here's how it's going" entry. I'm sure all four of you that actually have this page bookmarked are wondering how things are out here in the Real World.

The short answer is that they're great. Really great. Better than they ever were in school, and that's the truth. People say college is the best time of your life, but honestly I feel like I'm finally starting to peak now that I'm out of that incubator. I wouldn't trade my current job (even with all its stresses), all my bills (even when they're high), or my current social circle to go back to college. Not in a million years. I am truly happier now than I have ever been in my entire life thus far, which, although it probably isn't saying much considering that's not a whole lot of years to look back on, still says much. And not to say that college wasn't fantastic - but you move on to other things eventually, and I'm enjoying being in that place right now.

Work is going superbly well, especially this past week, as I finally, finally, FINALLY got approval for one of the big huge inventory countermeasures that I have been battling for for almost six months. I will most likely be able to hit my inventory goal for the year, with a little more elbow grease. As we head into September there's going to be a lot going on, but since it's been slow enough recently for me to be able to catch up on things I feel refreshed enough to take whatever it throws at me.

Socially, things are also going well - I'm feeling healthier and better than I ever have thanks to gym visits 5 days a week.

My lease is up at my current apartment in December, which means it's almost time to start apartment hunting again. That's going to be a real challenge considering the conflicting priorities of finding a less expensive place to save some green while still having the amazing downtown life that I have right now. Yesterday I explored a few of the more residential neighborhoods near downtown and I was completely how shocked at how weird it felt - I have grown accustomed to being in the middle of downtown. What once felt like an overbearing, bustling city that didn't offer any rest is now the only place that I feel at ease - the quiet of the suburbs is unnerving.

I'm optimistic about the future and the rest of the year - life isn't perfect, but then, it never is. I think the best thing about leaving college and the isolated fantasy world that exists on campus was coming to that very realization and becoming comfortable with it for the first time in my life. Despite the imperfections, it all goes on - onward and upward!