Saturday, March 31, 2007

An Excerpt from Today's Honors College Tour

Me: ...and so this is our front desk. This is where you'll come if you get locked out of your room, or want to check out a vaccuum or anything. There are tons of resources here at the desk. So if you'll all follow me, we'll cram everyone in the elevator here and see if it will hold us all. We're going up to the 3rd floor to see one of the student rooms there so you can get an idea of what it's like to live here.

15 people cram into elevator. I look up and notice sign: 'Weight limit: 2500 pounds.'

Me (chuckling): I will laugh if we get stuck in here.

Nervous laughter from the group of students and parents. The elevator doors close and the car begins to move.

*CLUNKCLUNKCLUK!* Elevator bounces and stops moving. I stop smiling.

Parent (in back): Ummmm...I think we're stuck.

Me (furiously jabbing 3rd floor button): Hehe...I spoke too soon!

Parent (in back, weakly): I'm claustrophobic.

Me (stabbing emergency intercom button): Well, let's see if this works.

Dial tone. Dialing. Static.

Elevator doors open. We're on the 2nd floor. My heart resumes beating and my stomach crawls back out of my butt.

Me: Oooookaaaay then, let's take the stairs for the last floor, shall we?

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