Monday, June 25, 2007

Your Tax Dollars at Work, Seattle.

After cooking a fabulous, tasty dinner of chicken alfredo with caesar salad and pouring myself a generous glass of chilled chardonnay, I sat down on the couch, plate balanced on my knees, and clicked on the television. I swished the dry, autumn wine around in my mouth, savoring the tingle on my gums, as the image of the government-sponsored Seattle Channel and a man at a podium lit up the screen.

I swallowed when I read the caption below the man speaking.

Christopher Hitchens, Author: God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

I chewed salad slowly as I turned up the volume to listen.

"...and I quite nearly became a 'believer' recently," the man sneered, his British accent elevating the haughty tone of his voice, "when I was informed that the Good Lord had delivered me the death of Jerry Falwell this last month."

The audience roared with laughter. I stopped chewing.

"I was particularly overjoyed to find out," Hitchens continued with a smirk, "that Mr. Falwell was discovered sprawled on the floor of his office." More laughter. "And if I may take this moment to say what I really think of him, may I suggest that his family spare the expense and bury him in a f-cking shoebox." His mouth spread into a thin, triumphant grin.

My jaw fell open as the audience exploded in raucous applause, whistling, and cheering.

Such is the state of public television in America today. Such is the content which your tax dollars are directly funding. And such is the hatred, bigotry, and utterly stupefying hypocrisy that is not only condoned, but MADE POSSIBLE and BROADCAST by this City of Seattle - a city that supposedly celebrates "diversity."

1 comment:

margaret said...

diversity is for those for and against matt...however it may seem. i can't tell you how many times i've turned on a public television station to see a "televangelist" or a publicly broadcast sunday sermon...some out there would be just as offended as you are by this man.