Sunday, September 2, 2007

Shuttin' er Down

The more that I think about it the less I want my life - personal or not - plastered on some corner of the Internet, regardless of how few people read it.

It's not that I want more attention on this thing - I've been blogging to an audience of probably about four for months now. I just see little point in maintaining a blog that basically only serves as one of those lets-stay-in-touch things when we already have facebook, which serves that purpose extremely well. Family has enough contact with me to not need a blog to read, and for those who only want to pop in and say hello, I see no reason why an email isn't a perfectly good (and far easier) alternative.

What I need is a way to exchange information with people - like links to interesting websites or articles, pictures, my comments on the goings-on in the world, etc - not broadcast my ho-hum do-nothings. Until I figure out how to do that, this blog is on official hiatus. If I do decide to continue anything resembling a blog, it will be under a new address with a completely different purpose and layout, and I will distribute the link to all interested via email. I just know that I am no longer comfortable with the fact that a Google search on me produces something that details my personal or current pursuits. Facebook is big-brother enough as it is.

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