Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Today's Random Act of Kindness

I lost my wallet today in the Mensa. It fell out of my coat pocket while I was putting it on, and I didn't notice until I was outside and across the street. After panicking, running back inside, and turning the cafeteria upside-down looking for it, I finally give up and leave to go up to the bank and get my debit card locked. No sooner am I out the door than my cell phone rings and the guy who found my wallet tells me where he is and returns it to me.

All I can say is thank God for his integrity and also that I had the foresight to write my cell phone number on the back of my bus pass 4 months ago. Oddly enough I did the same thing for a lady in the supermarket yesterday. She'd dropped her wallet while going through some veggies and didn't notice. I definitely now understand the feeling of relief and gratitude that she expressed to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and handed it to her. Her eyes went wide and she exclaimed, "Oh, an honest soul! Thank you!" Actually the only thing on my mind at that moment was that I had realized that I didn't know what the verb "dropped" was in German. I just said she'd "lost" it instead.

Random acts of kindness are fun. It's amazing how surprised people are these days when someone does something honest or generous when they don't have to. Spread the love, ya'll. Spread the love.


Kyla said...

I probably woulda said it had fell.

"Tchuldigung - Ihre Brieftasche ist runtergefallen!"

Is there a German verb for "to drop"?

Way to be honest. Certainly got your karma deposit back on that one!

Erica said...

When I was working for the Dr. about 2 or 3 weeks after I started he accidentally put an extra 100 in my pay packet. When I took it back to him, he was so shocked! "Oh you're so honest!" It made me smile, but it made me sad that people don't just expect people to be honest these days.

Cat said...

I lost my Volksbank card in Spar, and someone turned it in to the bank for me. I was going crazy tearing my room apart looking for it, and then all of a sudden I get a call on my cell saying that they have it, and that I could pick it up any time. That probably never would have happened back at my home university / Wachovia.