Sunday, July 9, 2006

Wieder daheim

So, back in Tübingen after a brief but well-worth-it last visit to Neustadt. On Friday night we celebrated Matze's 21st b-day until 5am, which, come to think of it, is the first time I have ever actually partied all night long. Anyway on Saturday yours truly was of course hungover as a towel on a towel rack, and so Matze and I went on a little bike tour around Neustadt to visit relatives and friends and say hello/goodbye. Let me tell you, that was hands-down the most gorgeous bike ride I've ever been on. If you're looking for beautiful north German countryside, Neustadt is the place to be.

After a productive 6.5-hour journey back down on the train, I am now back in my room. Plan for the rest of the night is to get a pizza from Joker, maybe watch a movie, and - if I get bit by the productivity bug again - do some homework. Definitely need to get a handle on the thesis for my history paper at least.

I will not be watching the WM finale tonight for two reasons:
1. Almir still has my TV
2. As I said before, I'm not enthuiastic about either team winning.

Although I must say, after watching those pussyfooting Italians play and fake injury after injury, I am secretly and quitely rooting for France in some corner of my mind. Italy in my opinion does not deserve to win, and though I never thought I'd say this, go France!

1 comment:

judy,really mad said...

how can you come to neustadt and not say hi.