Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lotta Work in Seattle?

Finally waiting at the gate in the Phoenix airport. Phoenix is the first airport I have been in that offers free wireless internet, which gives it a pretty high rating in my book.

They pulled aside and frisked my guitar after I put it thorugh the x-ray machine.

Also, when I got the gate a man who was flying to Oklahoma was sitting next to me. He looked at the guitar and asked,

Man: "You play that thing in Tulsa?"
Me: "The guitar? No, I can barely play it. I'm going to Seattle anyway."
Man: "My nephew, he got hisself a geetar, n' he plays that thing with his buddies in them little clubs and places all over Tulsa. I didn' e'en know he could play."
*short pause*
Man: "There a lotta work in Seattle?"
Me: "What?"
Man: "Work. Lotta work in Seattle? They still buildin' them planes up there?"
Me: "ummm...I think they might have moved some of that to Chicago. Boeing moved to Chicago, anyway. I think they still build there, though."
Man: "Always movin' stuff these days.....movin'...movin'..."
Me: "Yup."
Man: "'spensive, movin all that stuff."
Me: "Yeah." (inner monologue: It's a lot more 'spensive' to leave it where it is.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amazing conversation.... absolutely thrilling