Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I Need a Room. And a Car.

As the search for fall semester housing reaches a fever-pitch, work also is getting stepped up a notch. I have 3.5 weeks to finish my project before my presentation to all the executives, so it's definitely crunch time. I am confident I'll have some good results to show at the end though.

In other news, chances are good that I will be buying a car within the next month. The trouble is that I have no idea what TO buy. There is a constant balance to be struck between the car that I would LIKE to buy and the car that I feel I OUGHT to buy for practical reasons. Consider this: is it worth it to sacrifice 5-10mpg fuel economy for a car that is more fun to drive? Or how about this: would you rather have a car that bores you to tears and, statistically, is a MAGNET for break-ins and theft but has excellent reliability and low cost of ownership; or a car that makes you smile but only has good reliability and slightly higher costs? It is becoming painfully evident that one cannot, in fact, have it all. And so the debate rages on. Advice is welcome.


Cameron said...

ok I wrote about a 1000 word response and it didn't save it!! GRRRR!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt,

If you are considering to buy a volkswagen rabbit take into account the following:

A "golf" with 140bhp is at least 19800 euro here, which is $27000.
And people ARE buying it.

So if you could get a much better equipped one with 150bhp in the US for only $16000 it is quite a deal...


Shannon said...

you could make your internship project into your senior thesis.

Hi -- I'm Erica said...

as someone who has had a car they have hated TWICE now for practical reasons---- go for something that makes you smile it is worth it. You won't mind putting a bit of money into a machine you love but every measly quart of oil you pour into a car you can't stand but buy because it's "safe" or "reliable" will make you grit your teeth.

Margaret said...

in general, I am a fan of the under-appreciated mazda. a tad more moolah up front than your run of the mill honda (aka break-in magnet) but reliable, cute, decent gas milage and i find, fun to drive. just a thought from someone who knows next to nothing about cars.
simply, marg