Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Well, The Finals From The Fiery Pit Of Hell are officially over. Today I took my oral exam in medieval German (which was mediocre, I got a 3, which is somewhere between a B and a C), and yesterday I took my EU Policy final test. I'm done! Except now I get to start work on my Hausarbeit for EU Policy, which kinda blows...It's only 6 pages though so it shouldn't be THAT bad...

In other news: I cannot BELIEVE some Americans are actually this stupid. I watch this video and all I can do is hang my head in shame. Please, rest of the world, don't apply these people to your conception of Americans -- we're not all this ignorant!


Erica said...

Hey, I needed a good picture! It was worth the time spent not to have to look at some goofy grimace.

I'm glad all went fairly well. Whew. It's a big relief.

Kyla said...

it's okay, I got a mediocre in German-Jewish Literature...

...who woulda thought... wish that some German professors had some mercy on us Auslaender...

Addy said...

I am that ignorant, you should know that. Australia is somewhere close to where I currently am, I think the country that I'm in right now is something like... Dutchland, but I feel like some people call it Germland or dang, Ger... Ger... Germanie? Yeah, that sounds familiar. And I thought the geography skills there were impeccable. South Korea, Iran, and North Korea are all very very close to each other. And as Americans, we should probably just invade the entire world, that way nobody can think that we're ignorant, and we'd just have control over the whole world. Good idea, eh?

Kendra said...

hahahaha, i'm sorry that was just too funny. I do so hope not too many people (at least non-Americans) know about that site though.