Tuesday, February 7, 2006

A Retraction and A Thought

So now that I've received death threats and a horse's head under my sheets for my comments on the outcome of the SuperBowl the other day, I feel a retraction is in order. Let it be known that at the time the post in question was made, I had merely glanced at the score on ESPN.com and not bothered to read the little article going with it (does anyone EVER read the articles?). Naturally, had I read said article I would have known that the SuperBowl was so obviously rigged and was informed of this fact after posting -- I was, however, too lazy to actually re-post on the whole thing.

So. Retraction.


Hawks: you rock. Way to hang in there and we'll get the bastards next time. You done me proud.
Refs: you're bastards.
Steelers: you're fatheads.

Now The Thought:

I think that at the end of this year (being August 2006ish) I will probably stop blogging regularly, if not completely. I'll revamp this site and rename it something more appropriate since I won't be in Europe anymore, but I think that after a month or two of re-adjusting to the States and letting you all know how that's going, I will bring the regular blogging thing to a close. At that point, the whole "Year in Germany" journey will have run its full course, and since the whole reason I started blogging was to document that journey from start to finish, I see little reason to continue it about the mundane details of my daily life. Let's face it, none if you care what I ate for breakfast or what article piqued my interest today. Additionaly, it sucks up time that I could be using for much more important and constructive things and has no real reward. So after about late August you can all expect to see fewer updates from me, if not zero.

That is all.


Erica said...

I care about what you ate for breakfast!! Think of this blog as a big mass email to people who live far away (like me). Remember sitting in the car this summer, calculating back trying to figure out when the last time we'd seen each other had been? It felt like no time at all, but it'd really been YEARS! That's because of blogging. I will be so sad if you stop!

Lori said...

Yes, you say this, you shall stop, but let us be realistic. I have also made the same claim. I thought blog/xanga was dumb, but now I see that it is fun. Will I stop once i am back at VU? Only time will tell, only time will tell.