Monday, May 22, 2006

Rowin' in the Rain

It was bound to happen sooner or later, and sure enough, today was our first day of rowing in the rain. We were out on the Neckar and it just began to POUR. It dumped so hard and fast that, 20 minutes later, when we docked, there was a good half-inch of water in the bottom of the boat. And of course we were all soaking wet.

The best part of all this was that I've been sick the past few days, and as a result my body is chock-full not only of Vitamin C but also every medication I can get my hands on. I was foolish enough to take some Benadryl before going to rowing, so as we're out there on the river, rowing away, the increased blood flow kicked the effects into overdrive. I began to get dizzy and realized I was losing coordination in my arms. I just couldn't focus. The water all over the oars wasn't making them any easier to turn either, and I have the blisters to prove it.

Making my way back toward town afterward, sopping wet, I was shivering and my hands were numb. I was also very hungry, and I decided to treat myself to McDonald's. I haven't had a full meal there in a long time, usually when I do I'm late for class and I just grab a cheeseburger and run. It's funny, Big Macs (or, as they call them in German, Big Mäcs) still taste good even after watching Super Size Me. Although I can't imagine eating them every day for like 20 years like that one dude has done. That's just ridiculous.

Random thought: I love how Germans will "deutschify" some words, like Big Mac, with the creative use of an umlaut. If Big Mäc didn't have that umlaut over the a, Germans would be going around pronouncing them "Big Mahks." Menu becomes Menü. Odysseus becomes Ödysseus. Hilarious.

Now I am going to make a cappucino and do some homework.


Ronda said...

aw, you finally got blisters? my hands aren't looking forward to wednesday morning; they have yet to heal from last week. yay! good job for going rowing despite the rain and sickness!

Katy said...

Not to sound stalker-ish or anything, but yesterday as I was riding my bike on the way to Uni-Sport I saw your rowing team before you all got in the water. I was tempted to scream "Hi Matt!" but thought that it would have just really confused you.