Friday, September 22, 2006


I love my schedule this semester. Thursday my classes taper off nicely, and I finish at 3pm, followed by a Friday with no classes. It's always the perfect end to the week. I get an extra day to do whatever I want to do.

Today I slept in till 9:30am. It's 11 now, and I think I'm going to go and take a shower. Today feels like a good day to get some non-school related stuff done. It's a day for doing non-school related work in coffee shops. I love days like this; the entire day is out in front of you, waiting to be used....and you have all the time in the world to work and relax in your favorite coffee shop. Write a scholarship essay, maybe read a book. That is my ultimate favorite way to unwind, because it's simultaneously productive and relaxing.

I'm applying for internships in Germany this summer. One with the State Department (imagine working at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin!) and another with a company based in Frankfurt/Düsseldorf. I'm wicked excited.

I can't stop listening to The Perishers. Their song Weekend is such a great song for Fridays. And for working in coffee shops. Three Roots, anyone?


Michael said...


Katy said...

wow, Matt, that is exactly my weekend as well. Class out at 2:30 on Thursdays, no class on Friday. Got up at 9:30, too. And I just chilled today with people more than books, but still it was very relaxing. Enjoy!

Kyla said...

argh, I wish I had no classes on Fridays. It IS my least busy day, though, with only two hours of class. I remember in Tuebingen when 2 hours a day was standard. Sigh. At least I haven't gone to any classes yet - we start Wednesday...