Friday, November 17, 2006

Surveys are Fun!

Finish The Sentence...

1. I've come to realize that...
Seattle really is my home and that I want to be there.
2. I am listening to...
nothing, actually. Better remedy that. I recommend Josh Radin.
3. I talk...
as little as possible so that my sore throat and cough will go away.
4. I love...
having the free time to sit in a coffee shop and read.
5. My best friend(s)...
are doin' a little dance.
8. I hate it when people...
make assumptions about or otherwise categorize me.
9. Love is...
not far down the road! I can feel it!
10. Marriage is....
very far down the road.
11. Somewhere, someone is...
waking up and doing this exact same survey.
12. I'll always...
act about 20 years older than I actually am.
13. I have a secret crush on...
no one at the moment.
14. The last time I cried was...
maybe a month ago.
15. My cell phone...
irritates me with its stupid little "Verizon Wireless" handicaps.
16. When I wake up in the morning....
I arch my back and stretch, then relax and go back to sleep for a while.
17. Before I go to sleep at night...
I always have to tell myself "Okay, stop thinking. Just breathe slowly."
18. Right now I am thinking about...
the meeting for the Global Section of the Chronicle in a few hours.
19. Babies are...
great, until they turn into teenagers.
20. I get on myspace...
never in your life.
21. Today I...
ate Chex cereal with lots of honey on top.
22. Tonight I will...
do homework.
23. Tomorrow I will...
do even more homework (gotta get ahead for T-Day!)
24. I really want...
a car.
25. The person who most likely to repost this is...
I think Erica and Shannon should do it.

1 comment:

lori said...

SOOOOO, since you are loving Seattle, that means you are gonna stay there, and then? Yeah, you know it, it is fate, baby