Sunday, February 18, 2007


So tonight while looking for something to do to procrastinate and avoid more studying I decided to read over my earliest entries last year right after I arrived in Tübingen. Man, what an awesome time that was. Reading the entries (and the comments) made me smile. Some of the fun memories:

-Seeing Tübingen for the first time and being totally blown over by it.

-Taking the train up to Hannover to visit Matze and his family and sitting out on the porch half the night in the warm evening air drinking wine and talking and laughing. I remember thinking then that I felt totally at home, and it was such a great feeling.

-Going to the Nordsee with Matze and his family and eating AMAZING seafood. Also, forgetting at least three million times what the German word for "tartar sauce" was and having to ask Matze and his family three million times to repeat it for me. (I know it now)

-Memories of my old running route through the farming lands and forest of Waldhausen.

I found an old post about my first run on that route on the blog, and it's just incredible, the memories reading this brings back...I can smell the fields, feel the warm air, see the castles in the distance, picture the sagging farmhouses....
Tonight I went for my first run in Germany.

I ran from the student village into the adajcent countryside, where trails run through huge fields of corn and wheat. The cornstalks were shining in the evening sunlight and the rolling hills of the Schwäbische Alb were stretching into the distance, covered with beatiful green and yellow deciduous trees just starting to show the first hints of fall.

As the sun warmed my face the path turned into the deep, cool, dark forest, where it zigzagged up and down and all over . . . I finally emerged back at the edge of the fields and retraced the route back to the dorms. The smell of farmland, mixed with manure and the sweet smell of flowers, flowed over the landscape. Fresh air. Truly fresh air.

And as I neared the end of the fields a smile broke out on my face that I just couldn't put away, edged on by the freedom in the moment and the upbeat sounds of Sugarcult.

Reading old posts like this just makes me sigh with happiness. I wish I could do it all again, just one more time...

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