Saturday, February 3, 2007

Scottsdale's a weird town.

Last night we all went to a wine bar in Scottsdale to celebrate Amber's birthday. It was real swanky and we got all dressed up, Scottsdale-style. Scottsdale is such a weird town. On the way there, there was a biker bar on one side of the street and a trendy RA sushi bar on the other. The wine was good and so were the appetizers.

I also got an email yesterday from another firm from the career fair that wants to interview me next Thursday. I won't name any names, but I will tell you all that it's an energy company. It's going to make things interesting with the other position because they'll probably call me by Thursday to either deny or offer me the position and now there's a whole new interview in the mix. Still, it's probably good to not have all the eggs in one basket (although I still think it's a pretty darn good basket).

Having (finally) reached a much-needed weekend, I don't have much time to enjoy it. I have a ton of crap to do, and it's important that I get totally caught up because I cannot afford to fall behind. So many projects all starting, so many tests coming up....and all I wanna do is sit in here and watch episodes of LOST all day.


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