Thursday, February 15, 2007

New Dollar Coin

The new dollar coin is in circulation. I really hope it catches on! Using coins instead of paper dollars would be so much more convenient. And if this one catches on, it would pave the way for a $2 coin, which would be awesome on so many levels.


Addy said...

I hate being the pessimist here, but I can't really see the difference between a presidential one dollar coin and the many one dollar coins that we've had in the past. Susan B and Sakagawea... I think for some reason Amis like using the paper, or really, the plastic.

Sad, but I don't see it catching on (I'd gladly be proven wrong). I'd rather move back to Europe... and use the Euro.

Michael said...

good thing it takes 3 months for every new president to come out. that leaves GW's release for several years. the thought of using him on any sort of money creeps the buh-jeez-us out of me.

Margaret said...

I have to be honest here and say, I hate coins. I hate hauling them around, I hate putting them in my pockets and I hate paying for things with them. I hate how they are heavy and jingle and it takes forever to figure out which ones are which. (and i can't imagine trying to do when closing out my tab at the bar). I'm not saying eliminate them, but keep my bills around please!