Thursday, November 3, 2005

I Have A Guitar!!

I bought my guitar today!  Oh man I'm so excited to start learning.  It's a used one and it's made of cedar (I think) so it's got a sort of dark, rich look to it.  It's beautiful and is resting on its stand next to my desk as we speak.  Oh man. 

We looked through the "teach yourself guitar" books at the store but didn't find any that were really good and worth spending a 20 bucks on.  Does anyone know any good online resources to start learning chords/notes/songs/etc?  I'm so anxious to get started I'll start with anything!

Shoot.  I forgot to get a pick.


I've been practicing scales and chords.  So far the only chord I can play without wincing in pain is D major.  I've even come up with a small variation of D by lifting my first finger from the second fret as I strum.  It's simple but it sounds good.  C and G hurt like heck and are actually darn near impossible.  I think it's combination of the fact that I have very small hands for a guy and this guitar has a wide neck.  But regardless, how do people bend their fingers this way???

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