Monday, November 28, 2005

New Camera

Oddly enough, I now have the camera I started out with this summer but took back because I was afraid I would break it.  I never liked my A520's bulkiness, so now that it's kaputtness has offered me the oh-so-convenient opportunity, I've gone compact again.  I think I'm going to like this better.  Here in Europe it's sold under a different name, which I find sort of weird...I see no reason why they can't call it the SD300 or the Ixus 40 the world over.  Personally I like its name in Europe better.  "Ixus 40" just looks cooler.  Doesn't it cost Canon millions to maintain this dual-name thing?  Seems stupid to me, but maybe that's just the business major in me talking.

Spent a couple hours studying at Brechtbau with Almir today.  It was a good sense of accomplishment to get an assignment done a full 2 days before it's due.  Now I just need to spend a little time practicing guitar and of course some more reading for my EU lecture class.  This week is a fairly easy week as far as academics goes because my Medieval German lecture and seminar were both canceled due to the prof's illness.  This is the second time this has happened, and the weird thing is that we knew LAST week already that he was going to be sick -- the sub announced it.  I'm wondering if my prof is undergoing some sort of medical treatment?  Otherwise how could he know a week in advance that he was going to be sick?  Or be sick for 2 weeks straight?  It's just weird.

Saturday is Nürnberg, which I am really excited about -- I am going to be meeting up with my former host family at the market.  We decided to make it a day trip to save money and complication, and it promises to be a really good day.  I've wanted to go back to Nürnberg for so long and it will be awesome to see it again.

With that, I think I'm done.

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