Saturday, November 5, 2005


It's 12:02 pm local time, I woke up at 9:30 and haven't moved from my computer yet.  You all know what this means:  long rambling introspective post.  It's been a while, so why not?

The tree outside my window is looking very sad without most of its leaves.  It reminds me of those mangy stray dogs you sometimes see on the street, knowing that they would look so much healthier if somone would just give them a bath.

Life is going really well right now.  I am having a good time in Germany.  Classes are okay, I really should get some homework done today.  I feel like I'm behind.  I also really need to get a planner so that I can start writing things down.  Either that or my iPod needs to hurry up and get through customs so I can sync it with Outlook.  Speaking of the iPod, I am a little worried, because I realized that the package is unopened.  Customs is going to notice that and I'm worried that they're going to hold the package somewhere and summon me to pay some sort of tax on importing it.  Which really sort of ticks me off.  Why should I pay taxes to support the EU when I'm not even an EU citizen?  I should have had Erica open up the package and then re-tape it again.  Oh well.  It should be here soon I think.

Speaking of taxes, I learned something new the other day.  Most items you buy in Germany are untaxed, but do you know where a lot of the revenue goes for the items that ARE taxed?  To the EU.  That's where the EU gets its budget.  I had no idea but I find that fascinating.  And creepy.

Right now I should be in the shower and getting dressed so that I can go to the grocery store and stock up on food.  Sunday is tomorrow and the stores will be closed.  Speaking of Sundays, today I am meeting up with Heinz to discuss the whole church thing.  Sigh.  I don't know what I'm going to tell him.  I really hope he doesn't pressure me to stay.  I hate being sold anything, least of all a church.  The more that I think about it the more I think that TOS is not a good place for me to be this year.  The thing that worries me though is that at this moment I'm totally unmotivated to search for a new church.  I don't like that feeling. is amazingly fast.  I ordered a book off there late Thursday night and it arrived this morning, straight to my door.  Why can't it be that fast in the States?  Ridiculous.  I want candy.  I bought a bunch of snickers, Ritter Sport, and Milka on Halloween night but I've eaten it all already.

I feel that being in Europe has made me much more objective in the way that I look at politics.  I could write a lot more on that theme, but I'm still thinking it over myself and so I don't want to go into it too much yet.  Maybe later.  Long story short: my political views are somewhat different than they were when I got here.  I'll let you all chew on that for a while

Aaaaaaand I think I'm done.

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