Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Thriday!

Well, it's the first Thriday of the semester! This is just cause for celebration. It's been a productive couple of days; at the beginning of this week I ran into my German professor in the grocery store and asked him about coming in to bounce a thesis idea off of him. We got into a 10-minute conversation on how German identity could be based on a conflict between Lutheran (self-abasing), Catholic (naive), and Calvinistic (uncompromising) theologies. All in German, much to the confusion of the shoppers around us and consequently much to my own amusement. In any case, I fee much better having thrown business as a possible thesis area out the window and instead concentrating on German history and identity - ideas are flowin' and the research is goin'.

Tonight is small group Bible study at the new church near campus that I'm trying to get plugged into. Sunday church was more than slightly awkward and I had trouble getting the nerve up to go and just introduce myself to people. Hopefully tonight will be better. It's potluck too, and I'm going to bring a salad since that's the only thing I can think of that's not going to go cold on the 15-minute walk from my apartment to the church. After that, it's basically the weekend, which will be used primarily for getting a leg up on my schoolwork, getting completely and totally organized for the semester, and of more than likely a little celebratory consuming of beverages on Mill Avenue.

1 comment:

Erica said...

hey -- I *finally* got the message that you called -- which is good because I was wanting to call or email you anyway. I'll try to call or email you tomorrow.