Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Guess Who REALLY Brought SexyBack?

No, it wasn't Justin Timberlake. It was Apple.

Oh my friggin goodness.

Just knowing that this product exists makes me so excited I can hardly stand it. Do you all have any idea what this means for communication technologies? Apple has placed every other cellular phone manufacturer on earth under enormous pressure with the release of this device - pressure to develop new products that try to measure up to the incredibly high standard that Apple has now set.

Just look at it - a complete web browser right on your phone. This is what all the mobile communications providers have been working toward for YEARS, and in one leap, Apple has developed a device that can do it. A new iPod. A way to FINALLY have a completely fully-functional email application on your phone. It's incredible.

So far Cingular is rumored to be the first carrier that will carry the device. We'll see how long it takes for other carriers to jump on the bandwagon, assuming Apple will license it to them.


Erica said...


That is the coolest bit of technology I've ever seen. It actually is one of those things that I am used to thinking of as "technology of the future" kinda like jet packs and hover cars.

How much does it cost? I couldn't find a price.

Addy said...

So semantics. I don't believe that rumored is the right operative in the last paragraph. :)

It is pretty sweet. And there's only two other carriers in the US that can support GSM phones.

Michael said...

since my ipod died last month i've been trying to decide when to replace it. after yesterday, i'm really tempted to just wait until the iphone comes out in june and then get a new phone as well (i already have cingular).

friggin' sweet.

Lori said...

what about the lg chocolate?