Thursday, August 3, 2006

80 Weird Questions

because it's 1am and i have nothing better to do.

Do you watch the Gilmore Girls?
I cannot stand how they talk. So no, I don't.

Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson?
I can only take so much Jack. i think he's grossly overrated. seriously, what's all the hype? actually i guess my aversion to Jack is mostly based on the fact that he became the big "IN" thing that you just HAD to listen to if you were going to have any taste in music whatsoever because EVERYBODY listens to Jack Johnson and he's just amazing and blah blah blah.

Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?
"Oh, poor me! I'm soooooo rich! My life is soooo awful! I have these horrible emotional and social problems! Woe is me! WhatEVER am I going to do about the latest social crisis?" Give me a break. I hate teen dramas.

Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s?
Guilty. Greatest Hits CD.

Which radio stations are your favorites?
not a fan of the radio.

Are you a Lost fanatic?
i got sort of hooked on it and then stopped watching it when i realized that the way they do cliffhangers on that show (dragging them out over the ENTIRE season) irritated me, so I stopped.

[[Be honest]]

Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?


Alanis Morisette?
yup, 2. "head over feet" and "ironic"

Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
no, i tend to binge on entire seasons at a time.

King of the Hill?
nah. it's moderately funny though.

[[Admit it]]

Do you read trashy romance novels often?
LOL. nope.

Do you really work out every day?

Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, ice cream by yourself?

Have you ever eaten nothing but junk food for a week straight?

Do you shower every single day?
nearly without exception, yes. the only times i don't are when there is some sort of weird circumstance (like when i know that i'm going to be laying around allll day long)

Buy a Christmas/birthday present & instead keep it for yourself?

Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you're driving alone?
oh absolutely. actually that's one of the reasons i like driving so much.

Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one is home?
heavens no. that's too risky. what if someone walked in the house while i was in there? hence the appeal of driving.

Have you ever watched a little kid's show when you were over 12?

Have you ever looked forward to going to school?
every fall.

[[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]]

Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't?
"with" me? as in dating me? nope.

Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary school?
oh geez.

Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didnt ask her/him out because you were afraid?
story of my life. although the last girl that i didn't have the guts to ask out was probably back in high school...since then there are simply no prospects. i'm really, really picky.

Have you ever written a poem/story about your love life?

Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush?

Have you ever liked someone solely for their appearance?

[The Questions You Love: Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]]
Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?
nope. where's the fun in that?

Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
i am the KING of freakish cleanliness and organization. i write lots of lists.

Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
yup, Brazil.

Do you know how to knit?

Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover?

Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile?
ummm..that's just weird.

Do you keep a diary or journal online?
i keep a journal in my computer, where it's safely password-protected.

When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your closet?
dark blue.

[[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]]

Baskin Robbins or Coldstone

America or Canada?

Physics or chemistry?
Physics. even though i hated it.

Earphones or headphones?

Pink or teal?
i'm actually wearing my famous teal polo shirt right now.

Earrings or a ring?

Commitment or casual dating?
commitment. the idea of casual dating just makes me cringe. who wants to be in a relationship where there are no promises or obligations and you're essentially just using each other?

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
tough. i'd go with lord of the rings, it's a great allegory of the Bible.

Fly or road trip?
road trip. unless it's cross-country, then i'd rather fly.

Starbucks or Caribou?
there's a coffee company called caribou? where's that? canada?

[[Another Wave of Random Questions]]

What is your favorite Disney movie?
hmmmmmmm. dunno. it would definitely be a recent one though, one of those movies that's so saturated with subtle adult humor that it's just hilarious.

How much jewelry do you own?

Have you ever bought clothing at sears?
sears sells clothing?


Erica said...

Just so you know, you answered half of these questions wrong. :-P

lori said...

Caribou is a great coffee place, I take it over Starbucks anyday. And you need to give Gilmore girls another go, for real dude. And chem over physics!

Margaret said...

brittney spears has a greatest hits? serioiusly, after i read that i couldn't concentrate on anything else because i'm SO DISGUSTED.