Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Reverse Culture Shock: Musings

-Holy crap, gallons of milk are HUGE.
-Wait, you mean I have to...tip the waitress?
-Gas is $3 a gallon. Whoa....that's cheap.
-What's wrong with this money? It's so long and thin.
-It is SO weird passing people on the street and actually hearing English EVERY TIME instead of just SOMETIMES.
-Starbucks. Everywhere. ::Euphoria::
-What happened to the busses?
-You mean...I can have...another soda? For free?
-No, you may not see my I.D. I haven't been showing my I.D. for a year now. What makes you think you're the special waiter of the evening? Now go get me a beer or I'll give you a crappy tip.
-Why is everything edible suddenly so expensive? That ice cream looks amazing, but it's not worth $3.50 to me.
-What's the English word for that again?
-I can sit. In a cafe. With coffee. And study. And no one is going to bug me. This is freaking awesome.
-Could you all drive a little FASTER please? You're killing me with this 60mph crap.
-Everything is so big.
-My cell phone rocks. I can talk as long as I want. Without some special flatrate plan. Awesome.
-Blogging drive: ZERO.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

welcome back darling :)