Monday, March 6, 2006

I'm Really, Really Ready

I'm definitely ready to get on the plane and go back to Germany. Pretty much since my visit to ASU I've been ready to go back. It's not that I regret coming home -- I don't regret it at all -- but it's just like it was when I came back from my first semester at college: Hey guys, yeah, great to see ya'll too.....okay...can I go back now? It was, I'll admit, really great to see everybody at ASU; I think that it was good for me to come back like this for a visit, because now I don't feel like I'm "missing out" on everything at ASU like I used to. I got to see everybody/everything, get a taste for how different it will be when I'm really back, and I think that the initial shock of being back will be lessened a bit too. All very good things.

I'm betting that I'll have a whole new appreciation for Tuebingen when I get back. I just can't wait to dive back into my German world. Busses, coffee, beer, trains....I mean, I'm even looking forward to taking the S-Bahn and the train back from the airport. It's so relaxed this time around. When I left the first time, I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off 3 days before my flight left. This time, I feel like I'm just jumping on a short little domestic flight across the pond. I know exactly where I'm going and what to expect, and that's a good feeling. I know exactly how I'm going to get home from the airport and there won't be the same disorientation that there was the first time. What I'm NOT looking forward to is the fact that when I get back work will go into overdrive on the term paper that I have to write for my EU policy class. Which reminds me that I need to email the professor with that question I had for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

with this i got to agree.. Tuebingen tends to grow on you!!!
Anyway, I you missed the snowfall over this weekend....