Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring Blitz

Today, out of nowhere, it was about 55 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time in I don't know how long. It was so warm, in fact, that I was totally comfortable in a t-shirt and thin jacket and all the cafes opened up their outdoor patios so that patrons could enjoy the warm sunshine. I studied for 2 hours at one cafe in our marketplace and realized how much I've missed that medieval ambience. The sun warmed my face as I was bent over my book taking notes.

Went for a run this afternoon. It was amazing. I felt so good throughout the whole run, never ran out of energy. I was totally in the zone. Maybe it was the beautiful warm weather (I was running in shorts and a t-shirt!) or maybe it was my good mood. I could have gone further but I decided to stop when I hit the 4 mile mark. Gotta save some mileage for tomorrow. At Lori's suggestion I'm going to begin training for a half marathon soon -- not necessarily because I want to run one but just because it will give me a running "program" and I'll be able to go out and run 13 miles on any given day once I'm in shape. That would be pretty cool.

I definitely am someone who is in a better mood when the weather is better (as are most people) so I'm very, very, VERY glad to see spring beginning to break through, even if it takes a while to really warm up.


gerddoors said...

We have still been struggling here in PA with temps in the low 30s. But the days are longer and spring officially started yesterday. I must admit I can't stand the extremely hot, humid, muggy conditions that summer will bring. For that reason, spring and fall are the bomb!

Kendra said...

a-men! I share your love of running and sunshine. And a nice run in nice weather? Nothing better!! Good luck in your half-marathon; it is, I think, the perfect racing distance (though it just might whet your appetite for a full one!).