Thursday, March 23, 2006

That's It. I've Had It.

As you all know, for the past few days here in Tübingen things have been warming up. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, people shed their heavy parkas for light outer jackets, the outdoor cafes were open and flourishing, and spring was clearly on its way.

Then I wake up this morning to find a fresh dusting of snow on the ground and the temperature hovering just below freezing.

If the weather were a person, I swear I'd commit murder. I've had it with this crap. We've put up with snow and biting cold since November and I'm sick of it. Winter will not release her grip on this area and it's really starting to put me in a bad mood. I HATE winter. This is why I live in Phoenix!

The forecast for Saturday predicts a cheerful, warm and pleasant 55 degrees, and all I can say is that it better keep that promise.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I KNOW!!! I woke up this morning, looked out the window, and then just said, "NO!"