Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring Days in Stuttgart

Today Matze, Lori, CJ and I headed to Stuttgart for the afternoon. None of the museums or sights were open since it's Monday, so we just sort of hung out downtown and chilled. We got coffee at Starbucks and then sat out on the grass at the Schlossplatz and ate an early dinner at an outdoor bistro in the Altstadt. At least, we THINK it was the Altstadt. We sort of got lost trying to find it and ended up in what could only be called Stuttgart's red light district. As we tried to figure out if we were indeed lost (and two "dancers" at one of the clubs on the corner eyed us) Lori made the Comment She Will Never Live Down #1: "I dunno, I think this part of the city is sort of charming."

For the record, Comment Lori Will Never Live Down #2 was "Wait...Redmond, Washington? Didn't some big computer company like IBM get founded there or something?"


Margaret said...

you know, i have to say that when i was in amsterdam's red light district (and kelsey and i did walk through), it was kind of charming. only because the whole outlook on sex, etc is so different than in america. it's quite natural and quite normal and just doesn't have that "dirty" stigma that it does in the states. yay for lori's comment #1.

can't say the same for comment #2. oh...dear.

Michael said...

you know, i've been to germany three times now and i still have yet to make it to the southwest parts of Germany. i was supposed to be a foreign exchange student in Esslingen during high school but things ended up going badly. really, i've had so many problems with germans, i don't even know why i still bother nowadays...

anyway, my point being: is Stuttgart even cool? i've heard "no" from several people.

Lori said...

Hey! Ok, I did make those comments (jerk, thanks for posting them), but it wasn' like, wait, Redmond, it wasn't as ditzy as you wrote that. I believe I was the one who brought up Redmond because my father used to live there. The chicken farm is just more important in my family than some silly computer company.