Saturday, March 18, 2006

Things I Did Tonight

1. Tried African food for the first time in an African restaurant in Stuttgart (the food is incredible).
2. Tried hookah as an after-dinner thing at said restaurant (unimpressed. what's with the hype?).
3. Had a Coke at a trendy bar with Annette and Christina.
4. Watched the Tagesthemen.

Side note: ever want to just get away? And I'm not talking about just like locking yourself in your room for a day, I mean AWAY. Lately (as in, the past year) I have had the urge (God nudging?) to escape into the wildnerness for an undetermined amount of time, completely disconnected from civilization, and be with God for a while. No clocks, no cell phone, no computer, no internet, no books to read. Just me, my Bible, a cabin, and God. That would be amazing. Where I could actually do something like that in Germany is way beyond me. I mean there are a million places to do that back home in Seattle but here...that's tricky.


Anonymous said...

Lots of people feel that way. You should do it when you get a chance. Maybe read Walden in the meantime?
Melissa (always feels that way)

Katy said...

Go to a Kloster in the Harz mountains and be with the monks and the silence.