Friday, March 31, 2006

Wanna See Something REALLY Entertaining?

Watch this: Katie Couric interviewing Ann Coulter.

I don't think I've ever seen two people who hate each other so much treat each other with such hilarious, phony civility. Especially Katie. Man, if looks could kill . . .


Erica said...

That is probably the most incredible on-air catfight I've EVER seen.

John Freml said...

How can you LIKE her still? She avoided all questions of relevance by constantly accusing liberals of taking things out of context even though that's what she did all the time!

"Ok Ann, we'll get you the transcripts."

"I'm the one conducting the interview!"

Go Katie!

(I'm sorry, I know you like Ann, but man, oh man... I don't think I've ever seen an interview with her in which she comes out with a positive image!)