Sunday, March 12, 2006

That's It. I've Had It.

There's about a quarter of an inch of new snow on the ground and we're getting light, fickle little flurries while the weak sun taunts us behind a layer of clouds.

If this snow isn't gone and daffodils aren't pushing up out of the ground and twitterpaited birds aren't singing in the trees in 24 hours, so help me I'm going out there with a hairdryer.

The demon snow must DIE!


Lori said...

Remember our first snow, and how excited we were (well, I was, and you told me it wasn't snow, but then later that night it was)? Where did that feeling go, or, right, it left a few weeks ago!

Kendra said...

hahaha, I understand, I really do! And you really have a way with words/humor