Sunday, March 26, 2006


Spent the weekend in Nürnberg with Annette and her host family from the AATG trip 3 years ago. It was her first time and my second time back in the city since the exchange. It was a great to see the city (this time in daylight) again and meet her family. I spent some time wandering the streets of the city while Annette and Christina (her host sister) did some shopping. At one point in the Fussgängerzone there was a preacher standing on a soapbox (literally) and preaching to the passers-by. A small crowd had gathered and I decided to sit down on a bench and watch and listen. I usually just walk right by those guys and don't think much of it but this time I decided to just check things out from a distance.

It was interesting to sit there and watch people's reactions as they walk by. Wide eyes, very nervous smiling, giggling. There was some arguing with what he said. I was just sitting there and trying to imagine if this is what it looked like when Paul would go on his journeys around the Mediterrean. This particular guy was jumping around from subject to subject and simply declaring whatever it was the Bible said, and I found myself wondering what the response would be if, instead of correcting people, someone got up there and just started screaming, "JESUS IS THE ANSWER!!" I mean I have yet to see a street preacher get up there and just preach the gospel and not go straight to the controversial issues, just get up there and say, "Christ was the son of God and he died for the sins of the world, and that means that you and I now can know our Creator. God loves you and wants nothing more than for you to know Him." What would the response be if someone said that? I dunno, I'm certainly no expert but I feel like the "corrective" street preachers rarely get anywhere, although I could be wrong.

Tomorrow Matze is coming to visit and then work on the Hausarbeit and preparation for my grandparents' arrival goes into overdrive!


Erica said...

I agree about the street preacher thing. I rarely see them doing much (if any) good with their controversy.

Woo! Say hi to Matze for me!

Cameron said...

It's really funny you say that about someone simply sitting there and preaching the gospal without coming down hard on controversial issues and attacking people, because there has been a guy like that on campus this year. I haven't seen him much this semester, but I never walk over by hayden lawn anymore, so I don't know if he's still there. He would just sit there and basically quote scripture. He would simply talk about who Jesus was, what he came on this earth to do, the good works that he preached and performed along with all of his wonderful teachings. It was quite nice. He didn't care if people were walking by and not listening, he just kept on talking--never belligerent or condescending....simply preaching the gospal. Quite nice!