Thursday, March 16, 2006

Just So You All Know...

I was very, very responsible with the drinking last night. I had one drink per pub and they were all spaced at least an hour apart. I didn't even finish the last 2 beers. What I did learn though, is that even if you're sticking to a one-drink-per-hour rule, 5 drinks in 5 hours is a lot of alcohol for my skinny self to process in one night. I ate before we left but I should have substituted drink #2 or 3 for a pizza or something. It was also a really stupid idea to run up the hill after all that. I won't be doing that again, let me tell you. Anyway lesson learned, no harm done, and thanks to 1,5 liters of water and two Excedrin, no hangover. I had a killer headache this morning though. Ouch.


Michael said...

way to be responsible. i spent my birthday in prague and went out to a bar with a friend and all of his prague-friends. as hey showed up they found out that it was my birthday they insisted on buying me beers. 3 liters of beer later and several drunken games of foosball i somehow made it back to my hostel. i don't remember walking back though. this coming for a 6'4" 170 pound guy who doesn't drink mass quantities of beer all too often.

Erica said...

Matthew, running uphill is never a good idea... unless you're being chased.