Sunday, March 19, 2006

Yup, I'm A Business Major

So I've picked my classes for Fall semester back at ASU next year, since pre-registration is tomorrow and I have to submit them. Looks like I'll be taking:

-Principles of Finance
-Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues
-Intro to Management
-Intro to Marketing
-Principles of International Business
-International Economics

Finally, FINALLY my schedule reflects the fact that I am, indeed, a business major. We're in business core now, baby. Alright.
There is good news and bad news about my schedule. The good news is that I don't have class Fridays, and I have only one class Mondays and Wednesdays. The bad news is that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I am in class NONSTOP from 9:15am to 4:30pm. Thank you, college of business, for deciding to pack all those classes into TWO days a week. Oh well. Hey, at least the plus is that I'll have JUST enough time between classes to duck into the Starbucks we have at the business school for a coffee fix. Woo hoo! Aaaah how I have missed sweet Starbucks goodness. Soon I will be sitting back in the lecture halls at W.P. Carey, listening to my prof talk about international econ (COOL!!!) and sipping my coffee while taking notes. Bliss, I tell you. Bliss.

Geez, I'm such a yuppie.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

where is matt linden when ya need him =/